Terms and Conditions

Thank you for choosing Air Physiotherapy and taking the first step towards better breathing.

All our therapists are registered with The Health & Care Professions Council, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care.

These terms and conditions are between you and Air Physiotherapy (known below as us/we/Air Physiotherapy). You agree to them by booking an appointment with us. Please also read our Privacy Policy alongside these terms.

Cancellation Policy

We operate a 24 hour cancellation policy on all appointments. This is because all our physiotherapists are paid for the hours they work so it is important for us to fill any vacant sessions with other patients who need their help.

If you wish to cancel your appointment, please email enquiries@airphysiotherapy.co.uk or call 0207 971 1464 as soon as you can so we can offer your slot to another patient who is waiting. We will be happy to rearrange your appointment for you.

To help remind you of your appointment, we send automated reminder emails to you to remind you of your appointment 3 days before, and again 1 day before your scheduled appointment, as well as a booking confirmation email. If you do not attend your appointment, or if you cancel it with less than 24 hours notice, we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee as it will be very difficult for us to fill your appointment slot. Our cancellation fees are £50 for a 30 minute appointment; £75 for a 45 minute appointment; and £90 for a 60 minute appointment.

We all know that sometimes things happen that are out of your control – bad traffic, a tube strike. If you know you are going to be late for your appointment, please do let us know as soon as possible. Unfortunately if you are too late to attend, we will still charge in full for your missed appointment.

If your physiotherapist is unwell then we will do our best to provide you with another physiotherapist for your treatment session, or we will try and move your session to a time which works for you. It is up to your whether you stick with this appointment and if you decide to cancel, you will not be charged provided you let us know. If you fail to attend and have not let us know then you will be charged the full cost of the session.

Attending your appointment

Our physiotherapists work extremely hard and run appointments back to back. This does mean that if you are late, we may not be able to make the time up. Please try and arrive a few minutes early so that you have arrived in plenty of time for your appointment start time. If your physiotherapist is running late, we will try and make the time up to you.

During COVID high risk periods, we will be screening clients with respect to their symptoms. On arrival to appointments you will be required to have a temperature check, wash your hands and wear a mask in waiting areas and treatment rooms unless you are exempt. We will not be running airway clearance appointments during COVID high risk periods as these involve aerosol generating procedures (i.e. coughing). Instead we can treat you very effectively virtually. If you have any questions regarding this please just ask.

Data Protection

All information disclosed to Air Physiotherapy will be treated as confidential. It will not be disclosed to other healthcare professionals without your consent or unless we are obligated to make a disclosure by a public or governmental body.

How to contact us

There are a number of ways you can contact us:

How we contact you

When you book an appointment with us, we will take your contact number, email and home address. We will mostly contact you via email. You will receive automatic booking confirmation emails, reminder emails, and emails to confirm any changes to your appointment or if it is cancelled.

Your physiotherapist may want to email you your treatment plans following your appointment. We may also want to email reports to you if we have written to your referring consultant or other medical professional/s. We may want to share this report with relevant professionals and will always ask for your permission before doing this.

Please keep us updated if any of your contact information changes.


Payment is required up front for your treatment sessions.

We accept payments online through our practice management system, Carebit, using the secure payment platform, Stripe. We also accept bank transfers (just ask us for details). All invoices and receipts are sent via email.

Payment through your Private Health Insurance Company

We are covered by all major insurance companies.

To receive cover from your insurer for the treatment that we provide, you will need to gain authorisation prior to your first appointment with us. Please ensure that you make it clear to your insurance company that your treatment is for respiratory physiotherapy and not musculoskeletal physiotherapy.

Once they provide authorisation, you must inform us of your authorisation number and membership/policy number via email or phone.

It is your responsibility to be clear on the terms of agreement that you have in place with your insurer. This includes whether there is a set number of sessions or a monetary limit in place. Please note that if your insurance company does not cover your treatment charges in full, any outstanding amount will be due from you.


Your safety is of paramount importance to us and our physiotherapists will not perform any treatments or interventions that lie outside of their scope of practice (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 2019). However, we also rely on you telling us if something doesn’t feel right or if you don’t feel well.

Rather than waivers, in medicine we work on the principle of informed consent, so if you turn up to an appointment willing to participate, we will assume you are feeling well enough to do so. That being said, our physiotherapists are all trained in knowing when it is or isn’t safe to exercise and will be able to advise you with respect to this. If there is anything you are not comfortable doing or if you have received any specific medical advice with respect to what is or isn’t safe for your condition, please let us know in advance.

All our physiotherapists are all trained in Basic Life Support and Manual Handling and update this on a yearly basis.

Following assessment, your therapist will discuss the best treatment option/s for you including their benefits, risks and side effects (if applicable). Please feel free to ask your therapist questions at any time during your therapy. You reserve the right to decline physiotherapy treatment at any point.


We are committed to providing you with the best possible service. If, however you are unhappy with any aspect of our service please let us know so that we can put it right as soon as possible. Please contact us via enquiries@airphysiotherapy.co.uk


At the end of your treatment course your therapist may ask for some feedback regarding the care and overall experience you received. This helps us to help other people like you but of course you have the right to decline providing a testimonial if you would prefer.

If you would like to know more about how Air Physiotherapy can help you, please get in touch.